Thursday, April 26, 2012

English 15 Reflection

To be honest, I came to college thinking I was a strong writer. I knew I had a knack for writing papers, but I didn't realize my awesome high school writing wasn't good enough for the college level. I dreaded having to English. I thought I was too good for it, but after a semester, I feel my writing and analysis skills have improved significantly. This semester was writing intensive for me. I thought I was lucky only having one final exam. But I didn't realize I'd be writing four other term papers. The skills I have learned in English 15 allowed me to do well on all of the papers I have written for all of my classes this semester, and I am thankful for the skills I have learned.

Flying in PA

I came to Penn State thinking I wouldn't be able to fly like I could when I was home. One day I did my research and found out there was a flight school at the University Park Airport that had the same type of aircraft I was accustomed to flying. I called the instructor and he said he'd be happy to rent it out to me. The first time I went up I was taken back. The surrounding mountains were beautiful. I flew around the ridges for a little while feeling free. I was no used to not having to constantly talking with air traffic control, that I felt I was doing something wrong and that I'd soon have a fighter aircraft escorting me down. That was not the case. Flying over rural Pennsylvania has been one of my best flying experiences. Although I miss flying in my familiar territory, it was nice to experience the flying culture some place completely different.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The onion

I've decided to write My final paper on the controversial website The satirical news agency that's pokes fun at just about anything, seems to make enough money to stay in business with its fake stories. It's bogus reporting attract a younger audience and this is made clear in the language used in its stories as well as the advertisements posted on it's site.